A Psychologically Approved Toxicity Test
Researchers from the University of Copenhagen, Ulm University, and the University of Koblenz-Landau identified that toxic people have nine traits in common. We used the said study findings to create a scientifically accurate toxicity quiz.
It is designed for those wondering, “Am I toxic?” However, the test can identify whether you are the problematic person or someone else in your life.
Determining if You Are Toxic Based on the D-Factor
According to the University of Copenhagen, Ulm University, and University of Koblenz-Landau study, almost all manipulative individuals had an active Dark Core (aka the D-Factor). The quiz on this page determines whether or not you have such traits.
9 Factors That Show You Are Toxic
If one or more of the following traits defines your personality, you are probably a toxic person. The nine factors explained below are the signs of having an active Dark Core.
If you think you are more valuable than other beings, you are a harmful person. Egotism or Narcissism is one of the primary red flags that you might be a poisonous friend, partner, parent, or citizen.
Before asking, “am I toxic?” ask yourself, “Do others matter to me?” One of the obvious signs of being hurtful is manipulating others and being indifferent to their morality. Our Empath Test can help you find out if you care for others.
Moral disengagement
Manipulative individuals might also convince themselves that ethical standards do not apply to them. Such people might try to avoid the consequences of their actions, believing that their motives can justify their actions.
If you love yourself to the point that nothing else matters, you are toxic. A Narcist values self above everything else in life.
Psychological entitlement
According to SAGE, “Psychological entitlement refers to a general belief that one deserves more or is entitled to more than others are.” And it is one of the red flags to look for when asking, “Am I toxic?”
Harmful individuals do not care for others’ feelings and experiences. So, a level of psychopathy is also a sign that you might be toxic.
If you enjoy inflicting pain on others, you should stop asking, “Am I toxic?” because the answer is yes. Although sadistic behaviors have different levels, none of it is accepted and healthy.
A harmful person focuses on their own needs and desires above everyone else’s. That is why needy individuals are usually called harmful. Sometimes, all they do is taking and never giving back.
Increased levels of toxicity might drive people to be harmful, threatening, and dangerous. Being spiteful is a huge no-no and an undeniable red flag.
Why Am I Toxic?
The two primary reasons you are a toxic person are Repetition Compulsion, and emotional abuse. Sometimes, you put yourself in conditions to experience an event or its circumstances again. And it is called Repetition Compulsion. So, you might unwantedly say or do things that hurt others repeatedly. Your meanness might also be due to traumatic memories and experiences. Children with harmful and abusive parents are more likely to turn manipulative in the future.
Different Types of Toxicity
Being a harmful individual takes place on many different levels and in many different forms. One way to answer questions like, “Am I toxic?” is by getting to know its types. Such an approach makes it easier for you to take in your situation and realize how it is connected to your behavior.
On a parental level, the bad behavior of the mother, father, or both are directed at their child. You might be on any end of this relationship. So, it is crucial to evaluate your in-family relationships to find out if that is the case.
In a Relationship
Some people ask questions like, “am I a toxic girlfriend/boyfriend?” That is because a particular level of harmfulness only appears in romantic relationships. Being over-protective, passive-aggressive, or extremely jealous of your partner are all signs you might be harmful.
Being a poisonous friend is another type. Sometimes, the questions should be, “Am I a toxic friend?” If your buddies feel uncomfortable or even stressed around you, the answer might be “yes.”
An individual’s harmfulness could go beyond their own family and friends and damage society. A sociopath, for example, has antisocial attitudes that can hurt not only their close ones but also the entire community.
The Quiz Said I’m Toxic; What Now?
Do not panic. You always hear on the media that toxic people should be canceled and all that. But that is only true for those who consciously chose to be that way! Here is what to do if you are aware of your problems and you want to change for the better.
· You need self-awareness.
Taking the Am I Toxic Quiz could be an initial step for better self-awareness. You should find out what your issues are to be able to solve them. So, focus on your feelings, experiences, and thoughts and see what is actually bothering you about your behavior.
· Take care of yourself.
As Kati Morton, a well-known licensed therapist, said, “If I am not doing my own self-care, I am so much more irritable.” She believes that the reason you seem so short-tempered, moody, and needy might be the lack of attention. You have to care for yourself and have self-love to have a healthy relationship with others.
· Be in Therapy.
You can put an end to asking, “Am I toxic?” by seeking professional help. A therapist and CBT sessions should be your go-to when it comes to leaving meanness behind.
Labeling others as “harmful” or “manipulative” is not acceptable at all. The Am I Toxic Quiz is a safe and judgment-free test for you to see if your actions/behaviors hurt others around you. So, please, take the results lightly.