13 of 15
What’s the most challenging aspect of long-term relationships?
  • a

    Financial problems

  • b

    Sexual problems

  • c

    Overload of responsibility


Question 13: What’s the most challenging aspect of long-term relationships?

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Unsure if you’re polyamorous? Take our ‘Am I Polyamorous’ quiz! Discover your love style in a fun, friendly way. Embrace your unique self today!

This Quiz Reveals If You’re Polyamorous

With its 20 romance-orientated questions, the polyamory quiz reveals if you like the idea of being in a non-monogamous relationship.

Polyamory or Consensual Non-Monogamy (CNM) is a style of relationship in which two or more partners consent to form romantic or sexual bonds with other people.

The test on this page identifies if you’re into non-monogamous partnerships—and explains why.

Relationship Style Definition
Polyamory Having more than one romantic partner
Monogamy Having only one romantic partner
Polyfidelity Romantic and sexual exclusivity in a group
Open marriage Having a primary relationship along with secondary lovers or sexual partners
Consensual Non-Monogamy An umbrella term for any relationship that involves more than one romantic partner.


Signs You Like the Idea of Polyamory

Generally, if you’re not happy in a monogamous relationship, you might be polyamorous. However, since polyamory revolves around compersion, you don’t necessarily need to hate your current relationship or partner to realize you’re polyamorous—you might just dislike the style of it.

Here are a few signs you’re polyamorous:

  • You feel limited and stuck in monogamous relationships.
  • You believe that people can fall in love with multiple partners.
  • You don’t like or understand jealousy in relationships.
  • You feel genuinely happy when your partner is happy—even if someone else is involved.
  • You believe that it’s totally manageable to have multiple partners.
  • You’re sexually attracted to other people and want to explore your sexuality with them.

Is Polyamory a Bad Thing?

Helen Fisher, the author of Anatomy of Love, believes that neither monogamy nor polyamory is unnatural human behavior. She suggests that we are animals who form pair bonds. However, from the evolutionary standpoint, we’ve always practiced serial monogamy—not absolute exclusivity.

Consensual non-monogamy is nothing to be afraid or ashamed of. As with all other relationship styles, it’s just a way of loving and forming bonds with others.

The stigma around polyamory roots in cheating and unfaithfulness. However, you should note that polyamorous relationships are based on honesty, transparency, and consent. So, it’s not cheating.

Both monogamy and polyamory become societal threats only when they’re imposed or enforced. So, there’s no need to worry about them as long as they’re consensual.

What to Do If the Test Says You’re Polyamorous

If you’re already in a monogamous relationship and the test calls you polyamorous, it’s best to discuss your feelings with your partner. You can also talk to a therapist to clear up your mind before opening up to your current lover.

If you’re not in a serious relationship, you have enough time to explore your dating personality and sexual desires. Maybe you should explore polyamory in your own way and get to know yourself better before establishing any long-term relationships.

Take the Test to See How Polyamorous You Are

Do you still ask yourself, “Am I polyamorous?” Take this quiz to see if you have true love for more than one person. The cool thing about our test is that it will reveal if it’s actual love or lust that’s causing you to think of polyamory.

Answer 20 relatable romance and sex life questions to find out if you prefer monogamy or consensual non-monogamy.

By the way, we’d also recommend you take our other love quiz to see if your marriage is worth saving. It can help you make up your mind and make the right decision after analyzing your polyamory tendencies.