A Brutal Quiz: Are You Actually Jealous?
We used the psychology of envy to create an accurate quiz. It reveals if you feel resentful when others achieve something you have not. The main goal is to answer questions like, “am I jealous?” or “how envious am I?”
Resentfulness and distrust can be toxic. So, we highly recommend you to take our other test called ‘Am I Toxic?’ after this one. It lets you know if your feelings have gone out of control or not.
Find out how covetous you are.
Your big question is, “Am I jealous or not?” But our quiz takes the results to a whole new level, exposing the extent of your resentfulness, too. Not only will you discover if you have this problem, but you will also learn how bad it is.
Discover if you are an envious person.
Envy differs from jealousy. The former roots in resentment. An envious person feels sad when others achieve something or are happy. The latter, however, roots in your desire to have what others do.
The good news is that the Jealousy Quiz unmasks both feelings. So, it brings to light whether you are a casually jealous person or a dangerous envious individual.
Realize if your jealousy is positive or negative.
Psychologists suggest that all human feelings have advantageous and disadvantageous sides. When it comes to jealousy, they believe it has positive and negative aspects, too. If one used such feelings to achieve more in life, it would have a desirable effect on their life. However, one would face many struggles in life and relationship when it turns into resentfulness.
So, the quiz is not just about questions like, “Am I jealous?” It also determines if it is damaging your life or helping it thrive.
Signs You Are a Green-Eyed
Shakespeare called envy the Green-Eyed Monster, believing it is harmful to human nature. But how do you know if you have that so-called demonic creature in your mind? One way, obviously, is to take the Jealousy Quiz.
If you do not have enough time for the test, here is an alternative method. Read the following four enviousness signs and diagnose yourself with the problem. Having more than one of these symptoms means you are a jealous person.
#1: You compete with others all the time.
You want what others have. So, you constantly rival them. Most of the time, people are not even aware of your competitiveness. That is because you keep your rivalry a secret.
#2: You undermine others’ success.
Another sign of being a jealous person is demoralizing people when they achieve something. It is a coping strategy to deal with sadness caused by others’ achievements. You often say things like, “anybody can do that.” And you happen to deny people’s capabilities, skills, and successes.
#3: You have a toxic attachment style.
Sometimes, you wonder, “Am I jealous?” because you are overly attached to someone else, and you acknowledge that. Not all envious people are cruel or mean. Some of them become a parasite, consuming others’ life energy to carry on.
Here is an Attachment Style Quiz if you need to analyze your relationships.
#4: You give people fake or false compliments.
Yes, you are jealous if you compliment people in their faces and talk behind their backs. Gossiping is a symptom of resentfulness.
How Does the Jealousy Quiz Work?
It is a set of twenty psychological questions to identify your jealousy’s extent, type, cause, and side effects. The goal is to answer, “Are you a jealous person?” But the test results offer more insight into your personality and emotions.
Step One: Identifying the type of jealousness.
The feeling of envy comes in various forms. Some experience it in romantic relationships. Others go through it in their friendships or face it among their family members. It is important to know what type of jealous person you are to understand the situation better.
Step Two: Looking for mind-reading signs.
One thing that an envious person does a lot is reading others’ minds. So, our quiz digs deep into your thoughts, uncovering any signs you do so. A resentful individual genuinely cares what others think about them. That is while they find it hard to ask for comments. So, their coping mechanism is to have wild guesses.
Step Three: Estimating the levels of personalization.
People in a romantic relationship ask, “Am I jealous?” type of questions more often. That is because the level of personalization is higher in such bonds. Envy forces you to interpret others’ actions in a personal way. For instance, one might think their partner is losing interest in them because he or she is watching TV.
Step Four: Understanding your fortune-telling attempts.
The Jealousy Quiz also reviews how you think about the future. Studies show that envy turns you into a negative fortune teller. You often create scenarios where something unpleasant happens. And you associate the said scenarios with your future.
3 Vital Questions to Ask Before, “Am I Jealous?”
Scientists have discovered that jealousy is a universal feeling. And even animals have it. Some suggest that such feelings evolved to protect our relationships. But how much of it is okay? How can you use it in your favor? And how is it related to love? These are questions to ask before even wondering if you are an envious person or not.
When is it okay to be jealous?
Jordan Peterson, a well-regarded psychologist, says, “Competition and jealously between people in a relationship is useless.” He believes that a reasonable amount of such feelings is fine and inevitable. However, you want to let it control your thoughts, actions, and decisions.
Who should I compare myself to?
“The best person to compare you to is your yesterday version—not someone else’s today version.” That is how Jordan Peterson explains the dilemma of comparison. Jealousy encourages you to measure yourself up to others regardless of the reason.
Does jealousy root in love?
No. It is a myth that the more you love someone, the more jealous of them you become. Psychologists insist that such feelings root in insecurity and false attachment style.