6 of 20
How would you describe a manipulative person?
  • a

    I don't know how to describe it.

  • b

    One who uses your emotions against you.

  • c

    One who treats you like a slave.

  • d

    One who uses your pity to gain something.

  • e

    One who misuses their power to control you.

  • f

    Someone like me.


Question 6: How would you describe a manipulative person?

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Do you want an answer to “Am I being manipulated?” This psychological relationship quiz exposes any sign of emotional abuse and offers tips.

An Eye-Opening Test: Are You Being Manipulated?

The manipulative relationship test on this page can change your life. Studies show that most people don’t even realize being controlled. That’s because they usually love Machiavelli. However, a genuine quiz can open your eyes and help you objectively see the dark sides of your relationships.

The premise of the questionnaire is similar to that of the Emotional Abuse Quiz. It looks for signs and red flags that indicate someone is using you against your will. However, it’s a deeper dive into the underlying layers of your interpersonal relationships. And it reveals any misuse through analyzing your responses. Here’s everything you need to in advance.

Questions that the Quiz Answers

“Am I being manipulated in my relationship?”

One of the primary focuses of the quiz is your romantic relationship(s). It’s often the ones you love the most that might abuse you. It’s because you let your guards down around them, and they are an influential part of your life. Thankfully, your results reveal if your partner or spouse is manipulating you. So, you can have a better understanding of your love life.

Note that the manipulative relationship test also works for other interpersonal interactions. It exposes Machiavellian friends, employers, or even parents.

“Am I manipulative or being manipulated?”

Manipulators tend to play the victim card. So, most of them think that THEY are the abused ones. That’s the tricky part. We designed our quiz in a way that can identify if your victim-like behaviors/thoughts are fake and you’re the actual abuser.

How to Know if You’re Being Manipulated without a Test

If you don’t trust online questionaries, here’s what to do. Look for the following signs of being controlled and see how many of them are present in your life. (One of them is enough to declare that someone is misusing you).

#1. You’re constantly forced to prove yourself.

A manipulative person often pushes you to provide evidence for your love, affection, respect, or dutifulness. You may always find yourself in scenarios where you must do certain things to prove a point. If that’s the case, you’re being manipulated.

#2. You receive silent treatment whenever you speak up.

The abusers and malevolent individuals use a technique called ‘silent treatment’ to control you. As soon as you spot their wicked intentions and protest, they become silent. It’s done intentionally to make you feel like you’re overreacting.

#3. You feel like you’re the manipulator.

Machiavellian people have the victim mentality. So, they try hard to make you feel bad for things you haven’t done. If you’ve recently started self-questioning things like, “Am I a bad person?” then you’re probably being manipulated.

#4. Your self-esteem has become fragile.

Before asking, “Am I being manipulated?” you need to ask, “Am I insecure?” That’s because a controlling person often picks the least confident person to abuse. Even when you’re assertive, an abuser might gradually start destroying your confidence so they can misuse you in the future.

#5. You’re being gaslighted.

Gaslighting is the process of making someone doubt their sanity, memory, or rationality. It’s the most common technique among manipulators. If someone is trying to convince you that your logic or memory is unreliable, you’re being used.

Why It Matters to Ask Questions Like, “Am I Being Manipulated?”

Unlike many beliefs, a manipulator doesn’t necessarily have to be a bad person. It might be one of your loved ones. Unintentional manipulation is a phenomenon that causes a person to misuse others without even knowing. So, it’s important to have a closer look into the underlying parts of your relationships regardless of how much you love people around you.

You’re biased towards your close ones, ignoring their unpleasant traits. That’s why it’s important to see your interactions through different lenses and from different perspectives. By asking things like, “Am I being manipulated?” you allow yourself to see beyond what’s obvious. And that can lead to eye-opening, life-changing results.

The Test Reveals the Unintentional Manipulators

Don’t worry about the hidden Machiavellians. Our quiz is designed to spot the signs of having an undercover abuser in your life. Here’s are some of the red flags that we look for.

Signs of an unintentional or hidden manipulator:

They try to do everything by themselves.

When someone refuses to ask for help and goes out of their way to do everything themselves, you need to be careful. Hidden abusers might use this technique to make you feel guilty. It’s a message that you don’t care enough or you’re not capable enough to help. You’ll then find yourself in a situation where you want to do anything the abuser asks because you want to get rid of the guilt.

They make so many promises.

Another sign of undercover manipulation is making so many random promises. Words can control people. So, a manipulator might use them to keep you around and create an illusion of satisfaction. However, such individuals don’t care about the promises they make and never keep them.

They exaggerate or twist the facts.

Wordplay allows an evil person to seem nice and misuse others simultaneously. To do so, they twist facts or exaggerate them to match their intentions. For example, they might make a big deal out of their work-life to make you feel sorry for them and offer help.

How Does the Am I Being Manipulated Quiz Work?

The test is a set of twenty psychological relationships -, and interpersonal experience-related questions. Its goal is to help you determine if you’re being manipulated by self-reporting your emotions and thoughts. You go through two different phases to receive an accurate result. See below.

Analyzing manipulation side-effects.

The initial phase of the manipulative relationship test focuses on the influences of living with a manipulator. Your responses indicate if you’re emotionally hurt or misused by someone you know.

Looking for red flags and manipulation tactics.

The second phase of the questionnaire looks into a possible abuser’s methods to control you. It allows us to identify who that person might be.

What if the Quiz Said You’re Being Manipulated?

You need to start fighting back. If possible, you should cut ties with the alleged manipulator and any other toxic person in your life. If not, you have to use the following steps to keep the abuser(s) away and revoke their control over you.

Step 1: Know where your actions are coming from.

Stephanie Lyn, a life & relationship coach, suggests that self-reflection is the initial step for dealing with a manipulative person. You need to make sure that your deeds, favors, and actions are not coming from a place of fear, force, or pity. Be mindful that every time you unwillingly do something for someone else, you’re letting them control you.

Step 2: Enforce your boundaries.

It’s important to let everyone know what your red lines are. If you allow people to cross or ignore them, you’ll find yourself being misused.

Step 3: Don’t overexplain your decisions.

If you want to stop asking things like, “Am I being manipulated?” avoid overexplaining yourself. A hateful person might force you to explain why you’re not being agreeable. And they might even whine about how miserable you make them by refusing to do what they want. But you shouldn’t fall for that. Simply say, “I’m sorry if you feel that way,” and move on.

Note: Read Before Taking the Test

Manipulation can be a crime, depending on how severe or unethical it is. So, please, don’t ignore the results and ensure you cut ties with Machiavellian people. If that’s not possible, ask someone trustworthy to help you. There are also dedicated hotlines that can assist you with getting rid of your abuser and guide you through the process.