2 of 15
What was your parents’ reaction when you cried?
  • a

    They ignored me

  • b

    They forced me to stop

  • c

    They mocked me

  • d

    They hugged me or talked to me about it


Question 2: What was your parents’ reaction when you cried?

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This ACE quiz reveals if you have had Adverse Childhood Experiences. Have you been abused, neglected, and traumatized?

What Is the ACE Study Quiz?

The original ACE Quiz is an abuse & trauma identifier. It’s a 10-entry questionnaire determining whether the participant has had Adverse Childhood Experiences. Kaiser Permanente first introduced the test as a part of their ongoing investigations of childhood abuse and neglect and household challenges.

What Study Is the ACE Quiz Based on?

A 2-year study by Kaiser Permanente inspires the ACE Quiz. In 1995, the care consortium conducted a trauma study on 17,000 individuals, focusing on the effect of Adverse Childhood Experiences on mental and physical health. That study’s results shape the current online abuse test on this page.

What Are the 10 Primary ACEs?

Psychologically, Adverse Childhood Experiences are categorized into three groups: Abuse, Neglect, and Household Dysfunction. And there are ten traumatic experiences under these categories: sexual, physical, or emotional abuse; emotional or physical neglect; mental disorders; absent relatives; domestic violence; addiction; and divorce.

Adverse Childhood Experience Commonness
Physical Abuse 28.3%
Addiction 26.9%
Divorce 23.3%
Sexual Abuse 20.7%
Mental Illness 19.4%
Emotional Neglect 14.8%
Domestic Violence 12.7%
Emotional Abuse 10.6%
Physical Neglect 9.9%
Incarcerated Relative 4.7%


How Should You Interpret the ACE Test Score?

In the original ACE Test, the participants were given a score of 0 to 10 with a basic interpretation: The higher the score, the more ACEs you’ve had. The current online test, however, is a full version that calculates the results for you; it delivers a comprehensive analysis explaining what type of ACE you’ve had and how it’s affected your life.

How to Know If You’ve Had Adverse Childhood Experiences?

Based on the ACE Pyramid, you can tell if someone has had Adverse Childhood Experiences if they show signs of social, emotional, and cognitive impairment, they have adopted risky behaviors, and they struggle with physical or mental health issues.

Signs You Have ACE:

Take This ACE Study Quiz for an Accurate Analysis

Inspired by the Kaiser Permanente study, the Adverse Childhood Experience Quiz exposes your trauma and abuse memories with relatable—and considerate—questions. Start the test to see if you’ve been abused, hurt, or neglected by your parents.


QuizExpo is not associated with any of the names/organizations mentioned in the ACE Quiz Study.