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When you wake up in the morning, what makes you feel more love?
  • a

    Hearing "I love you."

  • b

    Bringing breakfast to my bed

  • c

    Bringing a lovely flower from the garden

  • d

    Looking at my eyes and caress

  • e

    Hugging is my favorite


Question 1: When you wake up in the morning, what makes you feel more love?

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This accurate Love Language Quiz will help you find the language that you can use in dating. Surprise your partner with an appropriate romantic reaction.

Have you ever been in love with someone? What was that fell like? Strange wasn’t it?! But it’s something we all experience in life in some way, like what Ross said in Friends: “L-o-v-e, and what’s life without love?!”

Love language quiz

Everyone measures true feelings differently. But do you think that love has a particular language? It’s not a difficult question, and finding the answer doesn’t take much time. In this quiz, we are going to figure it out! The love language test is a way to show you how you would like your crush to express their feeling for you. It can also show you what is the best way to tell someone that you have deep feelings for them?

What is my love language?

Everyone expresses their feelings in their own way. Some people do this by buying gifts and surprises, some by talking about how they feel, or others by hugging and touching their crush. If you want to know your best love language, you might need to have an tool to show you what’s the best for your personality. As you know, it’s not that easy to find the best method to express your feelings, and other than that, it depends on your personality too. There are many things that matter, but you don’t need to worry because you will find it out by answering a few simple questions in this love language quiz.

5 love languages list

How many ways are there to tell someone you like them? Dr. Gary Chapman changed the way people thought about emotions By writing the book “The 5 Language of Love”. This book describes our feelings when we feel love and help us express and share them with others. This 5 ways to give and receive deep emotions are :

Words of affirmation

The easiest way to express your feeling is by using magical words, and the most common sentence is, “I love you.” Using positive and motivating phrases like “I care about you” or “take care,” or showing your support by telling how much you believe in each other or that you are proud of them when they do something great will be in this category.

Quality time

In Quality Time, nothing proves to them how much you love them more than undivided attention. Being there for this type of person is essential, but putting every distribution aside can make them feel truly special and loved. Postponed activities, or not listening to them while talking, can be incredibly hurtful.

Receiving gifts

Giving and receiving gifts at special events like Valentine’s Day is very good and romantic. Still, the joy of receiving a gift in times when there is no special occasion shows that you love and care about someone.

Acts of service

These people prefer that the love and care from their partner to shown, rather than told. Doing things that you know your partner would like will prove your love to them, such as cooking foods or helping them in their works.

Physical touch

The most common act of this method is kissing and hugging. The hug is a classic sign of love, but not the only one. Caressing hair, holding hands, and other things are things that you would do in this language!

Five love languages chart

Some researchers say that each person has a primary and a secondary language for expressing feelings. Besides, human beings tend to express emotions so that they prefer to receive love from others. As you already know, there are 5 ways to express your feelings to others. The Five love language charts give you a list that shows you how to use each method.

Love language quiz for singles

Who says that love is only for couples! This quiz will help you learn how to simply give and receive love from others. It doesn’t matter if you’re dating or married, currently single, or trying to grow personally. Take this interesting quiz and try to get to know yourself better. Remember that it’s never late to learn the best way to like and communicate with others because emotions are the best medicine!

Love language quiz for couples

Some people think that feeling comes with a lifetime guarantee, but we know from those around us that this is not always true! Every worthwhile relationship needs a healthy way for both persons to communicate with each other. But if you’re not on the same page, you need to get some help to keep your deep emotions stay alive. One of the most important things in a serious relationship is, knowing how your partner feels about you and giving the same feeling back to them.

There are many ways to do that, but Which one is more suitable for your relationship? Which way is more comfortable and more convenient for you? There is no one answer to this question, and every answer is not suitable for everyone. That’s why you can take this test for couples and figure out your solution. Here are some examples of love language test questions and results:

  • After a long time, you got a promotion in your job. What do you expect from your partner?
  • Suppose you had an accident with your partner’s car. What do you expect from him in such a situation?
  • What can your partner do to make your heart beat faster?
  • What do you like to do to calm your partner down before going to bed?
  • What is important to you when making love?

By answering these questions you may get one of the following results:

‘Words of Affirmation.’ You are an emotional person who always wants to hear “I love you.”You want your partner to appreciate you for what you do. If you have this language of love, you will be surprised to receive a love letter or note. When you are upset, expect her/him to understand you and say romantic things.

‘Acts of Service.’ You want your partner to pay attention to your small habits and remember them. Doing things you do not like, such as paying bills, will make your heart beat faster. You like to see him/her make breakfast and wait for you when you wake up. “How can I help you?” This is the most ideal sentence you can hear from your partner.

‘Receiving Gifts.’ You think the material symbol of love is a gift. Receiving various gifts will prove your partner’s love for you. Nothing makes you happier than sending a bouquet or gift to your workplace. Shopping makes you very happy and you can choose the best gift for special occasions. Every time you travel, you always bring souvenirs and keep them forever.

‘Quality Time.’ This means that you want your partner’s direct and unobtrusive attention. You like that when you talk, he/she looks into your eyes and listens carefully. Nothing makes you happier than cooking and walking together. Your favorite activities are yoga and meditation. Going on a picnic with your partner without a phone is the perfect thing for you.

‘Physical Touch.’ This language says clearly what you want. In your opinion, physical touch such as hugging and kissing is one of the main ways to show love. You want your partner to always hold your hand when walking. You can easily feel love when your partner rubs her/his fingers on your body.